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지구환경과학부 대기과학(Atmospheric Sciences): References


Encyclopedia of global warming & Climate change

 R 363.7387403 P532e 2012
 ISBN 9781412992619
 중앙도서관 _참고자료실

Encyclopedia of Atmospheric Sciences 

 청구기호 R 551.503 H744e 
 ISBN 0122270908
 중앙도서관 _참고자료실

Encyclopedia of global warming 

 청구기호 R 551.6 D951e 2010 
 ISBN 9781587655630 
 중앙도서관 _참고자료실

The Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Environmental Change

 청구기호 R 363.7003 M432e  
 ISBN 0340741090 
 중앙도서관 _참고자료실

Dictionaries & Handbooks

​대기과학 용어사전

 청구기호 R 551.503 D13d 2015
 ISBN 9788968662508

Handbook of atmospheric electrodynamics 

 청구기호 551.563 V885h 1995
 ISBN 9780849386473

Handbook of Weather, Climate and Water 

 청구기호 R 551.5 P855h 
 ISBN: 0471450308

Atlas of Climate Change

 ISBN 9783662484425
 중앙도서관_ 단행본자료실

Earth science. Earth's weather, water, and atmosphere

 청구기호 551.5 B644e 2013
 ISBN 9781587659850

Typhoon Turning Atlas

 청구기호 大 551.552 Q15t 2014 
 ISBN 9789814531818


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