Journal Names : 저널명 표기 형식
Tools > Output Styles > Edit "Style Name" > Journal Names

- Use full journal name : 축약하지 않는 표기
❏ Bibliography
Kim, V. N. (2003). RNA interference in functional genomics and medicine. Journal of Korean Medical
Science, 18(3), 309-318.
Kim, V. N. (2009). Human UPF1 Participates in Small RNA-Induced mRNA Downregulation. Molecular
and Cellular Biology, 29(21), 5789-5799.
- Abbreviation 1 : 마침표가 있는 축약 표기
❏ Bibliography
Kim, V. N. (2003). RNA interference in functional genomics and medicine. J. Korean Med. Sci., 18(3),
Kim, V. N. (2009). Human UPF1 Participates in Small RNA-Induced mRNA Downregulation. Mol. Cell.
Biol., 29(21), 5789-5799.
- Abbreviation 2 : 마침표가 없는 축약 표기
❏ Bibliography
Kim, V. N. (2003). RNA interference in functional genomics and medicine. J Korean Med Sci, 18(3),
Kim, V. N. (2009). Human UPF1 Participates in Small RNA-Induced mRNA Downregulation. Mol Cell
Biol, 29(21), 5789-5799.
- Abbreviation 3 : Full name으로 쓸 때 저널명에 and가 들어간 경우 &로 표기
Kim, V. N. (2003). RNA interference in functional genomics and medicine. Journal of Korean Medical
Science, 18(3), 309-318.
Kim, V. N. (2009). Human UPF1 Participates in Small RNA-Induced mRNA Downregulation. Molecular
& Cellular Biology, 29(21), 5789-5799.
- Don't replace : Reference에 입력된 그대로 표기
Kim, V. N. (2003). RNA interference in functional genomics and medicine. Journal of Korean Medical
Science, 18(3), 309-318.
Kim, V. N. (2009). Human UPF1 Participates in Small RNA-Induced mRNA Downregulation. Mol Cell
Biol, 29(21), 5789-5799.